January 27, 2013

Smokin' hot topic turns rant!

How hot is it?  VERY!  Everyone is talking about it.  Some people are petitioning laws while others are supporting government decisions.  It's all about perspective.  But isn't it perspective that's supposed to make our country great?  The right to have it, voice it and take it to the people of Capital Hill to do something about it?

I think such a vision is just that...a vision.  Not so much a reality.  I mean the technical process is in place, but the red tape around it is so thick and long it's almost impossible to get through it. I haven't really stated yet what I'm talking about, but I'm guessing you might be able to figure it out.  Just in case you haven't, let me fill you in; I'm talking about gun control.

The Hartford Courant
I just took a really deep breath, because I know a lot of people have very strong feelings on both sides of the equation.  I guess you'll know where I stand soon, right?  So let's discuss.
It seems there's been a major increase in the amount of gun related crimes.  The kind that make the national news.  Sandy Hook and the multiple incidents in Colorado just to name a few. On the heels of such violent and senseless acts, everyone goes into major blame mode.  It happened because the perpetrator had access to guns.  Maybe they were mentally unstable.  Perhaps they played a little too many violent video games and have become desensitized.  I've got it!  They watched today's cartoons! 

Regardless of where people lay the blame, the question remains, would gun violence lessen if there were stricter laws on being able to attain and maintain guns?  My answer to this is actually another question. Do you think someone who wants to do harm to themselves or others is going to give up their mission just because guns aren't as readily available? The answer to that question is a resounding NO. They will either find a way to get access to guns or find an alternative method to reek havoc.

Based on some info from the site www.whitehouse.gov it looks like the President is making changes to enforce laws that are already in place, or reinstate laws that have been lifted or changed at some point in the past.  Hello, weren't we already supposed to be enforcing these laws?  It also seems clear a lot of the focus has been placed on metal illness.

Keep in mind that I have a child with a mental illness.  When I hear about potential restrictions on anyone with a mental disability my hackles raise, but at the same time I also understand in many cases, those who suffer from a mental illness are not treated (medically and otherwise) the way they could and should be.  Supposedly, having some kind of mental illness automatically lumps you into a label.  Labels and "statistics" piss me off.  We could all get lumped into a category somehow and I can guarantee not everyone would like their labels.

So, how else do you ensure that someone purchasing a gun doesn't have an alterior agenda?  Well....you can't.  And as much as I hate to say it...people lie.  (I sounded like House there for a minute.)  Unfortunately, I feel it's human nature to conceal what others so easily and openly shun because it is outside of the norm. So many people are quick to judge and assume the worst based on a label.  Sadly, that's not something any law can fix. 

Do we make gun laws tighter for the average person with no mental illness in any of theirs or their immediate family's records, and force them to jump through more hoops than the Harlem Globe Trotters have made to purchase a weapon to protect themselves from those who would go to great(illegal) lengths to do harm?  (Sorry for the run on, but roll with me here).  There's a part of me that says, maybe we need to revamp some laws, but then the other part of me says we've been a nation to always respect the right to protect ourselves with guns and other weapons.  Why change now?  Do the number of people who would do harm outweigh those who wouldn't?  I don't think so.

The following quote is from the same website mentioned above.
"...As President Obama has said, “We are going to need to work on making access to mental health care as easy as access to a gun.” 
Thus indicating it is easy to get a gun.  Weren't we supposed be enforcin laws here?  If we change the laws and make it damn near impossible to get a gun, this statement would be completely counter-productive.

As a parent, I understand in the wake of the Newtown shooting, one can only assume a person would have to be ill of mind in order to commit such an act of violence and tragedy.  The rumor mill on this event has run rampant since it's occurrence and honestly....I don't know who to believe.  All I know is that innocent lives were cut short needlessly.  (That is, unless its all a cover up and those we thought lost have all be whisked away for some reason.) Unlikely? Yes.

I don't claim to have the answers to solve the problem, but it ticks me off the President would tell the average tax-paying, law-abiding citizen they don't have the right to defend themselves if they don't meet the criteria decided by a bunch of people protected by bodyguards...who carry guns.  I do understand the people leading our country wear significantly larger targets on their backs, but I thought we were supposed to be equals. Naive?...probably.

After a very civil rights infused Inauguration speech from our Commander and Chief, I'd think the point was driven home even more.  No matter what your race, gender, religion, sexual orientation and...mental state?  Aren't we all still human with the same civil rights?  What happens when we take guns away and those who wish to do harm just change their method of mass destruction? Are we going to take away everything that could be a weapon?

(And the real rant begins...) Guns don't kill people....those who pull the trigger do and if they want to get a gun there are plenty of ways to get one (legally or otherwise).  Knives don't kill people, those who thrust a knife into another person do.  Maybe we should put a ban on knives.  If we keep in that line of thinking, lets just take all individuals who fail whatever mental exam the "experts" come up with and put them into facilities for treatment; only to be released into the public when a cure has been found.

...another deep sigh. (Lamaze again at work)  Like I said, this is a hot topic and being as I was up at 3:00 in the morning, I might be slightly more irritable and verbal about my opinions.  Must have more coffee!  What is your opinion?  Do you agree, disagree or are you indifferent?  Tell me your thoughts and remember to exhale too.

~~~If you don't see a silver lining...make one~~~


Unknown said...

Amen to everything said here except one thing, gun violence really isn't up. People get stuck in the exceptions like Sandy Hook. While tragic, it is an anomaly. Crime rates have been declining for the last decade, and that is mostly attributed to most states having concealed carry laws. An armed society is a polite society. Only in the great gun free zone bastions, are crime rates rampant, like Chicago. Truthfully, shame on Adam Lanza's mom, she knew what kind of turd she was raising, if she was ready to commit him, she should have secured her weapons.

Unknown said...

A quite brilliant retort to gun control by David Mamet:

Unknown said...

Thanks for your comment Darrell. I knew I'd probably get a response out of you on this one. :) I have heard the crime rate is down, but very often all you hear in the media are the negative stories or totally pointless reviews about our celebrities' relationship drama. I know I could care less if one of the Kardashian girls has a different dad. She's still family! I guess, what I'm saying is that it's way too easy to focus on the negative when that's all you're fed routinely from the people who are supposed to be tellers of ALL news, not just the crappy news.

to be cont...

Unknown said...

I have a kid who suffers from some of the same struggles Adam Lanza did. I get him all the help I can and I do my best to keep grounded in reality concerning guns and violence. Truth of the matter is, I don't know what days he'll snap and what he'll do. That being said I DON'T keep any mainstream weapons in our home. I don't think he would do anything on purpose if I did, but there's no point in encouraging any more curiosity at this point in his 10yr old life. Thing is, when in a rage and unable to calm down due to the massive rush of adrenaline combined with a chemically unbalanced mind, anything can be a weapon. He doesn't need a gun and neither would anyone else if the circumstances were right. Restricting guns just doesn't seem like a fix of the true problem. Whatever the true problem is...

Unknown said...

Great article Darrell. Lots of very valid points. Thank you for sharing it.

Unknown said...

When I was growing up we were taught how dangerous guns were. Who could use them. For example (police, hunters,military, special government officals), Mom never aloud guns in her house. The military trained me to care for and love my weapon. They also trained me to use my hands to destroy one without a weapon (emergency)use when required. When i was overseas, I was trained to throw a knife,an axe,shoot a bow. Do I have or need a weapon in my house today. I maybe old, but i still remember the training i got from the government. Not to mention the trainging from the Oklahoma Highway Patrol. Then again, The Lord says trust in Him. Why do we need the right carry a consealed weapon if you are a civial citizian. So ok, in todays world their is evil. I understand that, take your family,relatives to church and trust in Him that your care will be provided. We will all surely die one day so lets make thing clear; make our hands not dirty, but clean.If you kill someone or somebody, you will carry that with you for rest of your life. ARE YOU READY FOR THAT!! Sometimes I wonder if my life would be different?

Unknown said...

Remind me not to make you angry. I see your point though. Thanks for sharing.