January 21, 2013

Jan. 13th Menu

One of the tips of the parenting trade I cannot impress enough upon friends, family and random parents I meet is the need to plan your meals.  For years I struggled with a typical nightly routine...work all day and come home to everyone whining about what's for dinner.  Then I'd still have to go to the store to get the items I needed.  When my family grew from 4 to 7, I was forced to take evasive action and start meal planning.

At the advice of my wise mother I started looking at cookbooks and magazines to get different dinner ideas because we kept coming back to the same staples over and over again.  BORING!  We wanted variety that included healthy, fresh, tasty and well-rounded meals.  Not to  mention it was more expensive and time-consuming to go to the store every night than to watch the ads for sales.

Ever since then I've been gathering a basket full of our favorite recipes that range from quick and casual to all day crock-pot meals.  Depending on our schedule for the week I plan meals that will allow for the umpteen million things the kids are involved in.  So on Sunday mornings, I enjoy a large cup of coffee, check out Pinterest for the latest new recipes that look yummy and whatever sounds good goes on the menu and alternately grocery list.
Now I'll do my best to try and post my weekly menu, but some Sunday's just don't allow for it.  Those days will have an entirely differently topic to blog about I'm sure.  Here's what's on our menu for this week.  Keep in mind that I purchase all the ingredients keeping our schedule in mind but it's not etched in stone that we're having chicken on Tuesday.  Only in dry erase marker.  We like to keep our options open.

Sunday January 13th, 2013

Now I know it doesn't do any good to give you recipe ideas and then not the recipes.  However, That's a lot of work and right now I need to know people want them before I take up my entire Sunday working on the computer.  I do that all week!  So if I get enough requests, I'll throw them up there.  I did however provide you with a plan to put in effect if you so choose. 

That is the hardest part.  Once you know what you are going to make, the rest is easy.  Feel free to use this as a way to simplify your week and give yourself a little more time to focus on the more important things in life.  Family, career, your religion, hobbies...whatever it is.  Take the few extra minutes to breath.

~~~If you don't see a silver lining...make one~~~

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