January 19, 2013

About me...

How funny is this.  I've been sitting here for 15 minutes and don't even know where to start.  I guess we'll go with the basics and see where that takes us.
  • I'm a happily married 33yr old mom of 5 kids (blended family).
  • I work full time for a great company in the financial industry.
  • I'm an active PTSA member and After Prom Committee Co-Chair of the Staley Falcon Club, where 3 of my kids currently attend high school.
  • All of my family now live near me in the good ole' Midwest.  Kansas City, MO to be specific.
  • I'm a Leo and proud of it.  I even have it tattooed on me.
  • I have a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management from the University of Phoenix that took me 15 years and $60K to get...but I did it.
  • I assist in the care of my father who has moderate to severe stage Alzheimer's.  This illness is way worse than cancer if you ask me.
  • I'm a planner at heart and would love to get back into wedding/event coordination someday.
  • I'm an avid reader, love to write, take pictures, long walks on the beach and pina colada's...

...whoa, hold up a minute!  I've veered way off track.  I don't even like Pina Colada's! 

I'm a bit of a jokester too, if you hadn't noticed.  Heck, without having some laughter in my life I'm sure I'd be a pretty cynical person.  I've had a lot go on in my 33 years and don't expect that to change anytime soon.  However, I'be learned some pretty cool things over the years to help deal with all the stress.

You'll find a lot of that information under my Current Thoughts section.  In addition, as a mom with more than a few kids, I've learned some helpful tips that help provide some sanity for the craziness we call life.  Those can be found in the various other sections of my blog such as Menus and the soon-to-be-added Fun Projects and Favorite Links page.

Don't forget to keep a close eye on my Good Reads page.  I'm always scouting out new stories to thrust myself into.  It helps to provide an escape from the often harsh realities of life.  This is a must for anyone and everyone to do, no matter how you do it.  Unless of course it includes drugs, excessive alcohol or other self-destructive behavior.  Then I'd say you might want to find another hobby.

Really though, I'm just a normal person with normal everyday experiences.  I know it doesn't sound exciting, but I have a feeling more people are like me than any other catagory.  So if my experiences can help someone else, then I've done some good.  And with all the negative and bad stuff consistently shoved in our faces, don't we all need some good in our lives?

Just remember that sometimes, in order to see the good, you have to step back and take a breath.  It's easy to get caught up in all of the drama, fear and hate.  That's why I named  my blog the way I did.  Lamaze has more than just one use.

To get a hold of me for whatever reason just email meI'm always looking for new topics to discuss, so if you'd like to hear my thoughts on something, feel free to post a question or shoot me a message.  In the meantime, I hope you enjoy what you read and can hopefully something that touches your heart.  (Okay, I'm a bit of sap too)  

Thanks for taking a look at my blog.  Don't forget to subscribe so you an stay up to date.  PEACE!

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