January 10, 2013

Somethings gotta give...

I don't remember the first time I heard this phrase or where I heard it.  I think it might even be a movie title.  Regardless, it is a phrase I seem to have adopted like a motto.   I get up in the morning and think "Today will be the day. Today somethings gotta give and I hope it isn't me".  I'm know there are much better thoughts to wake up to. Hell, I woke up!  That in itself is a blessing.  I realize I shouldn't moan or complain about how difficult things can be because I've contributed to my own circumstances as much as the external factors have played their cards.  Still it's hard to swim ahead when you are just struggling to tread water.

Just today, in the face of a no-so-great financial situation, I remained eerily calm.  Typically my response would be to panic, but today I'm breathing through it and trusting there is a reason for everything.  Trusting the powers that be will provide when the time is right.  In the meantime, I will be pointedly more focused on finding solutions rather than worrying about the what-ifs and the oh-shits.  It's times like these when I wish I'd remember to take notes on how I handle the situation for next time...because there is always a next time.  

That's what makes life so interesting, right?  The ups and downs.  We strive for the ups and when we have them, life is perfect and in the back of our minds we say a mental thank you to the universe for making it happen.  When in all reality, it was likely our own hard work that got us to that point.  Being our own worst critics, it's hard to give credit where credit is due.  And when the down and outs are our drinking buddies, it is too easy to place blame anywhere but ourselves and feel as though the good times never come our way.  The really sad part is when we don't learn from the mistakes and doom ourselves to repeat the process.

I think we all learn a little something from each situation but the hard part is implementing a change before running into the wall face first again.  This blog mentions Lamaze being used for more than pushing a watermelon out of something the size of a peanut.  I won't be dissecting the deep and calming techniques of Lamaze, but rather reflecting back to the premise of what it is used for and how to apply it to the every day chaos that is Life.

A little background on me.  I'm 33, married, a homeowner, chauffeur, chief cook and bottle washer, referee, sister, daughter, maid, accountant, alarm clock, mess cleaner-upper, folder of laundry, PTSA member and committee co-chair, employee, comforter, sinner, counselor, listener, advice giver, cheerleader, handyman, meal planner, personal shopper and a mother.  Not at all in that order of course, but you get the idea.  In my 33 years, I've probably dealt with more than the average 33yr old.  Thing is...I'm far from average!.  But, one thing I can guarantee is....I am me and I like who that is.  I wouldn't change a thing in my past if it meant I wouldn't be where I am right now.  Even though some days seem unbearable and I just want to crawl back under the covers, I love all of it; the good and the bad.  So, till the next reason for deep breathing..remember, Lamaze isn't just for giving birth.

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