August 30, 2013

Next Week's Menu with a Side of Contemplation

Well there has been too much going on to even think about blogging.  Probably should though, for myself at least; to process everything happening in my crazy life.  But taking time to sort feelings and thoughts isn’t a luxury I have right now.  So instead, I’ll settle with attempting to make my days flow a little easier now that school has started back up for the kids.  That means, planning a regular menu.  I’m sure you are well aware of how much easier your nights can be just by having dinner planned and ingredients purchased.  So here’s the dinner menu for the next 7 days. 

  •   Chicken Taco Chili (I know it’s not quite Fall yet, but it’s close enough and the pic looks amazing!)

Photos courtesy of : Chris Oberholtz (Z-man), (Garlic Roasted Carrots), (Cucumber Salad)


And there you have it.  Keep in mind that brisket isn’t a quick dinner.  It just so happens that my hubby, the grill master, will be home due to the Labor Day holiday and will have time to make it.  Otherwise, this would not make for a weeknight meal. 

As strange as it sounds, putting this together has allowed my brain a chance to think on something less dramatic. The act is almost mundane really.  However, at church the other day, the pastor shared how everything, even the most mundane things, should be held in just as high esteem as the big things in our life.  Take for instance, my little brother’s Dad…my former stepdad.  Sadly, his body has been ravaged by an aggressive form of cancer that doctors are saying will take his life before the end of the year.  When I complain about life being hard…I should really just be thankful I woke up that day.

So, even this small act of insignificance, making a menu and sharing it with others, is a gift.  I hope it finds some way to help you as it has me. 

~~~If you don't see a silver lining...make one~~~

1 comment:

Dreaming Outloud said...

Not only is this food for the stomach but food for the soul.
Great Job Boo Bear!!