March 2, 2013

Menu 3/4/13

Looking ahead to next week...well I'd just rather not actually.  I always have one week a month that is crazy busy with something every day all day.  Never mind that I have a full-time job too.  So in an effort to stay ahead of the mass hysteria I'm planning easy to prep, easy on the shopping list and either all day to cook or 30 minutes or less recipes.  Enjoy!

1.  Easy Chicken and Potatoes
I love my crock pot! This wonderful chicken dish is easy to prepare because I usually have all the ingredients on hand and it's ready when I get home from work.  I like to add a side salad and bread of some kind to round out the plate.  Thanks to's Southern Food for the yummy recipe.

2. Sloppy Joes with steak fries and fresh veggies
Depending on how the week is going, Sloppy Joes can be done from scratch as this recipe explains, or you can cheat by purchasing a pre-made sauce at the store.  Either way, they both taste great and on a cool night.  (And we've definitely had some cool nights here in the Midwest lately).  Add a starch like steak fries and combine with bite sized veggies and dipping sauce.  My kids love Ranch Dressing and French Onion Dip. 

 3. Honey Soy Glazed Salmon with asparagus and rice pilaf
Salmon is a staple in our house.  All the good qualities that consuming fish provides plus the nice balance of asparagus and rice makes for a very healthy meal that everyone loves.  If you'd like to stick with potatoes (even though we've had them for two other meals this week), you can substitute the rice for mashed potatoes.  Add a touch of garlic to add additional flavor that blends well with the salmon. Check out Family Circle for other easy recipes.

4. French Toast BLT's
This easy dish takes a little more effort, but is still doable in under 30 minutes, which is sometimes all we have, but if you have a griddle you are in luck.  Coordinating breakfast and lunch flavors together brings forth a lighter dinner taste that can easily be joined with either fresh fruits or veggies, or even a light side pasta. Martha Stewart provided the idea behind this one 

5. Slow Cooker Beef Strognoff 
My hubby doesn't care for this dish, but he'll be gone at least one night, so the rest of us can enjoy it.  On a cold snowy evening, this warms the belly and frees up more family time.  I choose to add either biscuits or croissants to help soak up the sauce after you've polished off the noddles and beef, which makes for quicker clean up!

There you have it.  A week of crock pot and/or 30 minute meals.  This will be a must for us this week because there are several doctor appointments, 3 PTSA meetings, braces, prop building for prom, dad being gone for work and who knows what else...oh yeah the full time job and blogging.  Oh well, I love it all! 

~~~If you don't see a silver lining...make one~~~

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