March 29, 2013

New books to lose yourself in

As I've said in the past, I love to read and well, it creates an escape of sorts.  And...if you read my blog even kind of regularly, you'll know I need an escape every once in awhile.  OK, maybe a lot.  Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't give up one whirlwind of the chaos, but a brief respite can work wonders for the soul and the psyche.  

That's where keeping a steady flow of distracting reads on my Nook comes in very handy.  I pretty much take it with me everywhere I go in the off chance I'll get 5 minutes to not think about the millions of things I have to do. Although, I sometimes read (research) those millions of things instead of lose myself in someone elses world, which kind of defeats the purpose, but the fact is, I still feel as if I've been able to be productive.  And that counts for something, right???

So what have I been reading you ask?  As much as I love a thick novel with multiple warring plots and bit of kinkery, I also like shorter books that are quick and easy reads filled with a little action, humor and lust.  Over the last two weeks or so I've managed to read the entire Chicagoland Vampire Series by Chloe Neill.  As of now there are 7 books with the 8th installment coming in August of this year.

I know, I know...vampires.  They've been all the rage for some time now but we're definitely seeing a trend towards zombies as of late.  I'm not real sure what the attraction is for me because I have no desire to emulate the lifestyle, but there is always a mystical story with it.  Mystical, magical, a greater power yadda, yadda, yadda or something like that.

Quick Synopsis

Non-conforming, bookwormish girl (Merit) from a wealthy family gets sucked into the recently outed vampire world (pardon the pun).  Not by choice mind you.  The rest of the series details the action-packed drama that unfolds throughout the year or so after her transformation.  Add in quick and witty humor from Ms. Neill with just the right amount of intimacy plus villains you love to hate and VOILA!   You have an expertly written series you'll gladly stay up late to finish.  The only negative I can say is that the further on in the books you get, there is a bit of redundancy on the basic facts.  In a sense, re-telling known info from books earlier in the series. I understand that someone who picks up a mid-series book needs background too, but to to that I say, start from the beginning!

So you don't find yourself somewhere in the middle, here's the series from start to finish.

 (Pictures courtesy of
 Biting Bad,is the next book scheduled for release on August 6, 2013, the day before my birthday, so I'll be sure to treat myself.  On my Nook, these books are $9.99 - $12.99, but I was able to read several of them through my Nook's library's ebook borrowing system.  My husband is very thankful for that. 

At 250-300 pages each, you can get through these books relatively quickly, even if you're as busy as I am.  When I finished House Rules the other day and realized I was going to have to wait til August for more Merit and the Chicagoland Vampires, I was a little sad because the characters really grow on you and well, I'll miss them.  Tear...

Give them a read yourself and let me know what you think.  Enjoy!

~~~If you don't see a silver lining...make one~~~

March 22, 2013

I've already got one set of wings

I really don't want another pair.

I'm sitting here listening to my 10 year old throw the tantrum from hell.  He got suspended today...again.  This time because he heavily damaged an office while waiting for me to come pick him up from school.  He should have ridden the bus but decided he didn't want to sit in his assigned seat.  They have assigned seats because most of the children who ride the bus wear harnesses so they are unable to cause distractions, hurt themselves or each other while they are transported to their destinations under the watchful eyes of two adults.  

By the time I got there, he'd slammed a good sized hole in the wall, flipped a cabinet, dislodged one of the ceiling tiles and tried to stab one of the teachers with a pencil.  I've always been a part of my children's schools and make it a point to get to know their teachers, but I know several staff members far too well at his school.  We talk almost daily, which causes my heart and stomach to flutter every time the phone rings...and not good kind of fluttering.

He opted to leave a trail of destruction in his wake as he left the building.  Pulling down boxes and files on counters along the way.  He tried to skip getting in the car to walk wherever he felt he needed to go, but ultimately decided better after kicking my car a few times.  And as we traveled from school to his after school care provider, I asked some basic questions about the bus situation and shared with him my disappointment in his decisions.  

He proceeded to rip my heart out....with responses like, "I wish I would just die", "I'm stupid", "everyone hates me",  "I'm going to kill myself some day".  And with that last one, my greatest fear manifested in a plethora of ways within my stupid and all too vivid imagination.  When I asked him why he would want that, his response was spit at me with venom and disgust, "Because I want you to feel pain".

Little does he realize how I'd take all his pain as my own if I could.  I would welcome the confusing and terrifying emotional roller coaster into my life with open arms if it meant he could live free of suffering. Instead I can only pray that God shows us why this suffering has to happen and how to end it before I have to ink another set of wings on my body.

I've already lost one child.  One I never got to tell or show how much I loved them.  I'm not sure I can come back from another loss.  I'm losing myself as it is.  The best parts of me feel as though they are slipping away.  I worry constantly about what in my home could be a weapon against me, my husband, his brothers or sisters or himself.  He threatens to run away and at age 10 has made multiple attempts, even though they were half-hearted.  It's only a matter of time before he makes good on the threat with more conviction.

I read somewhere that when a child explodes like he does and exposes his or her dark underbelly to their parents through manic fits of rage or depression that it should be considered a good thing because they know those that love them most will not forsake them and turn away.  That their emotions will be safe, even if they are the darkest of emotions.  The reason they may not show that behavior to others is because they don't trust other people to have the same understanding. 

I'm sure there's some truth to that, but for my son, it isn't just me or my husband he shows it too.  It's other family and teachers.  He has incredible smarts and an amazing heart when he chooses to show it.  The anger and lack of confidence leads him down a very dark road that while scary to walk he chooses anyway.  I know he can't always make the right decision, but noone ALWAYS makes the right choices.  Lord knows, I've taken my fair share of wrong turns.

I just wish I could help him in some way.  I saw a post on Facebook the other day that said something pretty true to this situation.  It said something along the lines of "...the hardest thing a parent can do is watch their child go through something really tough and not being able to fix it for them."  We do what we can do and that's all we can do.  Sadly, I fear it won't be enough to save him.  But I'll do it anyway, while praying for faith, peace and the strength be there for him always.

                    ~ I love you Max~

~~~If you don't see a silver lining
...make one~~~

March 2, 2013

Local Self-Defense Course for the Ladies

We've all heard the news stories of young ladies who've been hurt or stolen away from life far too young.  Recently, some as close as Maplewoods Community College or Johnson County, KS.  We do our best to teach them things they'll need to know moving forward into college and eventually the real world, but nothing can prevent them completely from being exposed to potential dangers.  We can though, give them the knowledge to protect themselves.  That mission is the primary goal of the The Ali Kemp Educational (T.A.K.E.) Foundation.

The importance of this class should not be overlooked and we encourage you to attend not just as an individual, but as a team, with the ladies in your life you love most.  The trainers at T.A.K.E Foundation devote their time to train women of all ages on how to defend themselves against a would-be attacker. 
So how can you participate?
will be hosted on April 13th at 10:00am 
Tickets to participate are $20/Individual or
 $30/Team of two.
Visit to register. Ticket payment will be collected at the event.

50% of the proceeds will go to T.A.K.E. Foundation in support of wives, mothers, and daughters everywhere.  The remaining 50% will benefit the After Prom Event designed to support Staley students during Prom time.  If you are unable to attend, please consider donating to the cause directly through the T.A.K.E website or by dropping your donation by the main office at Staley High School.

While nothing can protect them completely, won't you consider giving your loved ones a fighting chance?

If you have questions, please contact 

~~~If you don't see a silver lining...make one~~~

Menu 3/4/13

Looking ahead to next week...well I'd just rather not actually.  I always have one week a month that is crazy busy with something every day all day.  Never mind that I have a full-time job too.  So in an effort to stay ahead of the mass hysteria I'm planning easy to prep, easy on the shopping list and either all day to cook or 30 minutes or less recipes.  Enjoy!

1.  Easy Chicken and Potatoes
I love my crock pot! This wonderful chicken dish is easy to prepare because I usually have all the ingredients on hand and it's ready when I get home from work.  I like to add a side salad and bread of some kind to round out the plate.  Thanks to's Southern Food for the yummy recipe.

2. Sloppy Joes with steak fries and fresh veggies
Depending on how the week is going, Sloppy Joes can be done from scratch as this recipe explains, or you can cheat by purchasing a pre-made sauce at the store.  Either way, they both taste great and on a cool night.  (And we've definitely had some cool nights here in the Midwest lately).  Add a starch like steak fries and combine with bite sized veggies and dipping sauce.  My kids love Ranch Dressing and French Onion Dip. 

 3. Honey Soy Glazed Salmon with asparagus and rice pilaf
Salmon is a staple in our house.  All the good qualities that consuming fish provides plus the nice balance of asparagus and rice makes for a very healthy meal that everyone loves.  If you'd like to stick with potatoes (even though we've had them for two other meals this week), you can substitute the rice for mashed potatoes.  Add a touch of garlic to add additional flavor that blends well with the salmon. Check out Family Circle for other easy recipes.

4. French Toast BLT's
This easy dish takes a little more effort, but is still doable in under 30 minutes, which is sometimes all we have, but if you have a griddle you are in luck.  Coordinating breakfast and lunch flavors together brings forth a lighter dinner taste that can easily be joined with either fresh fruits or veggies, or even a light side pasta. Martha Stewart provided the idea behind this one 

5. Slow Cooker Beef Strognoff 
My hubby doesn't care for this dish, but he'll be gone at least one night, so the rest of us can enjoy it.  On a cold snowy evening, this warms the belly and frees up more family time.  I choose to add either biscuits or croissants to help soak up the sauce after you've polished off the noddles and beef, which makes for quicker clean up!

There you have it.  A week of crock pot and/or 30 minute meals.  This will be a must for us this week because there are several doctor appointments, 3 PTSA meetings, braces, prop building for prom, dad being gone for work and who knows what else...oh yeah the full time job and blogging.  Oh well, I love it all! 

~~~If you don't see a silver lining...make one~~~