February 6, 2013

I swear, I'm still here!

I know it's not nice to swear but I mean what I say when I swear...kind of like when I've had too much to drink.  The truth always comes out.

The fact is, while I've had PLENTY to say, I've not had the energy to do anything about it.  I guess that's to be expected from a mother of five kids who works full time, has three extra people living in her house and participates actively on 2 school committees.  And that's really just the tip of the iceberg! 

My sister once had me review her resume, since I used to do recruiting, and she had her time as a stay at home mom listed as a Domestic Engineer.  I thought that was so clever!  It's also the truth.  An engineer, figures out how to make things work in the most productive and cost-efficient way and must continually adjust or make improvements to adapt.

Considering life is a bunch of changes, obstacles, wins, losses and collabortions, the parallel to an engineer make sense.  However, I'm sure any engineer in any field, has times where the well runs dry.  Improvements need to be made but with the current process, there isn't time to brainstorm ideas and put new steps into action.  That's kind of how I've felt recently.

From the Huffington Post
On more than one occasion over the last week I've found myself squeezing my eyes shut, taking some seriously deep breaths and repeating whatever the day's mantra is, "I love my job", "I love my kids", "Living the dream".  Whatever it is, I know it will pass, but in the moment it's all I can do to keep from hurtling daggers out of my eyes cartoon style. 

Hell, I've been trying to write these few paragraphs so you know I'm still alive and in the hour since I've sat down, I've literally been interrupted at least every 5 minutes.  I almost wonder if the whole evening  hasn't been some sign that I should just pack it in for the night. 

Regardless, here I still sit, with my hot decaffeinated Sleepy Time Tea (which reminds me of my mom), Pandora playing soundtracks to my favorite musicals and various instrumentals and I can feel the layers of stress starting to melt away.  I can close my eyes and let my fingers do the salsa on the keyboard.  The moment slowly easing me into a relaxed state where creativity and inspiration can flourish.                                 

A few more deep breaths and I can feel the physical tension starting to ease in my shoulders and neck, where I store my stress ball.  Being as it's the size of a small child, it's nice to put it down for even just a few minutes.  What the relaxation doesn't relieve I'll help along with an amazing product, much like Icy Hot, called Pain-A-Trate.  It's made by a company called Melaleuca and I swear by it!  (Again, this means I mean it!)

My husband uses it after playing softball to ease any achey joints or muscles and it always helps my neck and shoulders.  I rub on a generous layer before bed and wake up with significantly less pain and soreness.  Melaleuca offers a ton of amazing products, made with healthier ingredients, that people like you and I use every day.  If you are interested in learning about the other items they carry that could be helpful to you, let me know and I'll be happy to pass on my favorite products.

So as I've started on my second large cup of hot tea at.....10:20pm (I'll be up half the night peeing!) I think I feel in touch with the me that is...well, me.  I haven't taken much time for myself over the last 7 days.  I haven't even been reading on my lunch breaks or before bed, which for me, is a serious escape from reality.  Which reminds me, just today I've started a new book on my Nook.  While geared for a young adult crowd, I'm enjoying it and I need to share it here on the blog!

I also need to get back on track with my weekly meal planning.  When Sunday's are swamped it's hard to get the menu thought through and ingredients purchased.  So I'll apologize to anyone who was looking to my blog for recipe ideas.  I'll do better, I promise.  I'll do it not just for you, but for me as well.  I've discovered, much like the tea my mom drinks and my favorite songs, writing (blogging) helps me maintain my sanity.  So it's best for everyone if I keep it up.

So really, this post is just to let those who have chosen to read my blog know...I'm still alive.  I've just been overwhelmed with a lot of things at once.  That being said, I'm going to spell check, add a picture, publish, put on pj's and put myself to bed.  I'll probably read far later into the night than I should, but my new read is just getting juicy!  Stay tuned for more on menus and some crafty projects. 

Please, for the sake of all that is good, take care of yourself so you can be there for those you love the most.  Start with a deep breath. 

~~~If you don't see a silver lining...make one~~~

1 comment:

Unknown said...

1 Corinthians 10:13
When you're on the verge of giving in...

The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience.And God is faithful.He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted he will show you the way out so that you can endure.
Temptation is common to man, that which is human.