September 14, 2014

Following your gut can sometimes lead to indegestion...

I've learned a few things in my 35 years on this earth.  First, is that I'm a mediocre cook; a great meal planner, but the many burnt batches of bread will confirm my less than Head Chef status.  Second, I'm generally a risk taker although I've toned it down it quite a bit from my younger years.  Thirdly, I thoroughly know my drinking limit and stay under it most of the time.  This little nugget (or lack there of) used to contribute to that whole risk taking thing a lot more, but now, not so much.  However, another reason I tend to take risks is because I feel it in my gut.  Call it woman's intuition or a sixth sense or whatever but ultimately, I'm usually willing to take the risk if my gut feeling calls me to do so.

photo courtesy of
Now that doesn't mean I or anyone for that matter should take risks without looking at all the potential consequences.  Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane has some pretty obvious painful results if done wrong as does skiing a Black Diamond run on your first day on the slopes.  I might have a high tolerance for pain but I know when to draw the line and breaking every bone in my body is not on my list of tolerable pain. Although, I did give it a good shot on my last attempt at skiing.  The hubs and our friends said it was a gloriously nasty and ugly roll down the hill.  Fortunately, I didn't break anything but I was significantly less courageous the rest of the trip.

Trip to Keystone, Co 2014
Post-tumble down the mountain.  Slow and steady.
Great times with great friends!
But there are other risks we may choose to take, while not damaging to our bodies, that can create ripple effects in the lives around us.  This happens when we follow our gut even though our head and/or heart may be trying to warn us.  I think it's very typical for humans to underestimate the destruction that following our gut can wreak, especially when it's to a selfish end.  It's easy to think only of ones self and take those affected by our choices for granted. This such behavior is one we try to teach our children not to do so they don't learn it the hard way as an adult.  I'm fairly certain we can all relate to the after affects of choosing selfish acts and hurting the people we care about or being on the receiving end.  Surely, the action was not done specifically to cause damage but indirectly someone may be suffering the consequences.
Courtesy of

Whether you took mom's car out for a spin even though she said not to and in the process you wrecked it OR you neglected to keep your significant other informed of your choices until after the fact, the same result remains;  A breech of trust. For committed couples this is especially trying and can be detrimental to the relationship.  Feelings of betrayal can surface and both past and future actions will likely come into question. 

I'd like to think that absolutely no one LIKES to be considered untrustworthy but we've all seen grown people acting like selfish children now and again.  It's definitely not on my list of ways to be described but we all make choices where we didn't look at some of the less obvious consequences.  Our original intent is usually not to hurt someone or maybe we've justified their hurt by placing our own needs first and assuming we'll be forgiven.  Regardless of the reasoning, be sure the ends justify the means before taking the leap.  Your gut may be right a lot but not always and when it isn't you can be sure indigestion (and heartache) will follow.  BREAK OUT THE TUMS AND TISSUES!

I will be the first to admit I'm guilty of testing the people I love....which establishes the fact I'm human and far from perfect.  However, admitting we make mistakes also opens up a world of opportunity for growth in areas we didn't know needed growing.  Despite your side of the situation, all involved are given a chance to develop their character, inner being and moral self.  It is through struggle we discover how strong we are physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  

Personally, I have been blessed with good people in my life who have no problem whatsoever calling me out when I've tiptoed across a line.  I consider this a huge blessing because we all need to be knocked down a few pegs every once in a while.  We need to be reminded that it isn't always about us and with the help of those closest we can all prosper from life's challenges.  From the darkest of times there's always a silver's just that sometimes we have to get out the paint brush and create it ourselves.  Henceforth my tag line (at the bottom of every post) that I have used since I was a 17 year old pregnant senior in high school. 

Hmmmm...a possible ink quote? Maybe, I am an ink addict.

No, honey this is NOT me.
So what's the bottom line today?  Learn to listen to your gut but don't forget your heart and head have a say in it too.  Be sure to thoroughly review all the consequences before acting and if you're struggling with the decision because someone you love is going to be hurt, upset, mad, disappointed, concerned etc.... take it to them and let them know how you feel.  Sometimes, they may not realize how your love for them affects you.  Communication is the open doorway to compromise but you have to walk through it together regardless of what your gut says.

Now before I go, I just want to say thank you to the best husband any girl could ever have; For loving me in spite of my flaws and annoying little habits.  (Head-strong is the term I believe was used.)  But like you said, you knew what you were getting into and I for one am incredibly lucky you still asked.  I can't say with any guarantee I won't find/do something that doesn't test your patience in the future but I can say with 100% assurance you'll know ahead of time and I'll ask you to hold my hand while I do it.  Love you!

Mom & Dad's 50th Anniversary Cruise 2013

~~~If you don't see a silver lining...make one~~~

1 comment:

My Two Cents said...

Holding Hands is way more than a good thing. I am so proud of your learning baby girl!