February 10, 2013

Menu 2/11/13

Sorry I've been a slacker on my menu planning.  It doesn't make for easy weeknights at my house either, but I've been flying by the seat of my pants and just haven't had time to plan ahead.  Then when I do, its too late to post.  Still kind of late to get it out there for this week, but I have to get back in the habit somehow.  So, while it might be shorter, it's still effective. Enjoy!

1. Fish Fry with Ramp Aioli:  Now I've never made this, so I can't attest to the ease of preparation or the flavor. But the name caught my attention and the picture looked YUMMY!  It looks a tad more involved than my typical weeknight meals, so I'll save it for the one night this week I don't have somewhere to be.

2. Pork Pad Thai: This recipe will be the first we make in our new Wok.  I love Pad Thai with chicken from Noodles & Company, so we'll see if we can't recreate it at home! Pair this up with flatbread or your favorite Asian side item to round out the meal.

3. Lasagna Rolls:  This dish is like the love child of a cannelloni and deep dish lasagna.  Easy to make, easy to bake and beautiful on the plate.  Serve with a side salad and garlic breadI love this meal because you can prep it the night before.  Thanks Giada
4. Easy Chicken Bake: Just like it sounds, this is probably the easiest chicken you can make.  It's another dish you can make the night before and just pop in the oven when you get home.  I always use fresh green beans over canned and you can change up the seasoning to suit your fancy.  Pair it up with roll or croissant.

5.  Mexican Wrap ups: These yummy wraps have just the right amount of flavor and can be made to accommodate your picky eaters and jalapeno-needersWe prefer to use chicken instead of pork and we'll grill the chicken for a flame-cooked flavor.  You can serve this with mexican rice, refried beans or even change it up by using a flavored tortilla, such as sun dried tomato or even Jalapeno-Cilantro!

Again, I  apologize for my lack of consistency recently. I promise to do better.  Bon Appetit!

~~~If you don't see a silver lining...make one~~~


Anonymous said...

Let us know if the Fish Fry and the Pad Thai are. I have been busy helping David work on our cars - always something, gotta get my menu planned.

My Two Cents said...

Re: the Mexican Wrap Up...
For those people who are vegetarians you can substitute sprouted chopped almonds or walnuts for the meat. The nuts are loaded with protein and vegetable fats that the body can digest more efficiently than meat fats and proteins. The reason you soak the nuts in water for about an hour (or overnight is better)is to remove the chemical that nature installs on all its nuts to keep them from sprouting unless the right conditions for growth are present. It is this chemical that causes reactions in some people digestive system. This recipe sounds good to me.

Unknown said...

Thanks My Two Cents! I love the modifications! I will offer this as an option to the family and see what they think.

Unknown said...


Pork Pad Thai wasn't as good as I had imagined it would be, but my husband is better at the Asian dishes than I am. Also, I really like the Pad Thai at Noodles & Co. So I may just need to hunt til I find a recipe that duplicates the flavor. Used the new Wok he got for Christmas and still made a huge mess even though I prepped for it last night. I think that just might be me though lol. Still trying to find Sea Bass or other substitute for the Fish Fry. Will keep you updated

Unknown said...

So we tried the fish fry last night and it was AWESOME! It took me awhile to find the Sea Bass, but I was told any white fish would do, so Halibut or Cod would work if you can't find sea bass. The hardest part was getting the skin off, but once that was done it was really easy and cooked fast. The sauce was pretty easy to make and had great flavor. The hubby decided we should add this dish to our favs. We paired this with seasoned steak fries but had thought about making our own potato chips so we could have fish and chips. Maybe next time...and there WILL be a next time for sure.