February 12, 2013

Chalk it up!

Hi there!  As usual, I'm always looking for easy, cheap ways to keep my life from tumbling into shameless familial chaos.  You know that I'm only slightly addicted (A LOT) to Pinterest.  Well, several times I've seen neat little tricks to turn something ordinary into something fantastic through a little bit of chalkboard paint.  

As this project was not a high priority, I've taken my time getting all the pieces.  If three items are to much to handle, TURN BACK NOW!  If not, proceed. :)

This little genius idea is perfect for anywhere in the house, but I've found it very beneficial in the kitchen.  I spend most of my time in this favored gathering space and while there I come across items we are running low on.  In the past, I have grabbed a notepad and pen to start a list.  The problem is that everyone does that...using the same notepad..  BOO!

This leads to the unfortunate forgetfulness of necessary items while grocery shopping.  The beauty of this project creates one immovable central location where items can be written down  and no one can run off with itThen when I make my grocery list I add any items from the board.

So, here is what I used.

1 - Can of Chalkboard Spray Paint for less than $5.00 at Home Depot 
1- Plastic Dollar Store cutting board...obviously a $1.00 (plus tax)
1-Roll of blue painters tape.  I had an extra roll laying around the house from past projects, but even if you don't have one they aren't expensive.

Here are the steps:

1. Making sure your cutting board is clean, wrap the edges of the board with the painters tape.  Be sure to use a hard surface when you press down on the edges of tape that will be closest to the paint.  This will eliminate the tape lifting and create an nice clean edge.

2. Tape down some papers you are going to recycle or an old newspaper to a flat surface outside, or if indoors, a well ventilated area.  (I used the benches built onto our deck).  Then follow the directions on the can of chalk board paint to spray the paint on your cutting board.  Be sure to cover all the areas you wanted painted and allow it to dry thoroughly.

3.  Once it's dry, remove the tape.  Be careful when lifting the tape edge closest to the paint just in case there were any leaks.  Voila!

 4. Place your chalkboard in a place everyone can reach and keep chalk on a string or ledge nearby for easy writing.  I used command strips and hung it on a pantry door.
I'm not sure why my pictures are grainy, but the cutting board had a bit of texture to do it so maybe that's the reason.  Regardless, it works!  I used a paper towel to erase but I'm going to find a chalk board eraser because it seems the paper towel is just rough enough to scrape off some of the paint after enough rubs.  The nice thing about using spray paint is that its easy to reapply as necessary.  

Hopefully this will help you get a little more organized at home.  Plus it's an easy project that the kids can help with.
~~~If you don't see a silver lining...make one~~~

1 comment:

My Two Cents said...

Cute project! I have used a whiteboard for years and am definitely lost without one. I pre-plan up to several days in advance when functions must be attended and can then work in my other duties as well as have a long section on one side for groceries. It seems that if I take the time to write something down, even if I forget the list, it tends to stay with me longer.

But the idea of making a project of a note board with the kids does more than just create an organizational function...it makes happy memories the everyone will always remember.