February 28, 2013

Hell hath no fury like...

... a woman scorned. I imagine this phrase has been said by many a female in times of great anger at someone of the male persuasion.  I know I've said it!  I've modified it though, to my suit my personality.  "You don't mess with Mama Lion".  Those of you who know me, know I'm a Leo and proud of it.  So much so, I had it tattooed on my shoulder.  As I've gone through a vast array of experiences throughout my life I've discovered that lying in wait deep within me is the strength of a protective and determined lioness.

She has grown, as have I, because we had to.  Fight to survive or die...metaphorically speaking of course.  I entered motherhood at a fairly young age and had to overcome obstacles more 30-somethings were dealing with.  It seemed I lived in a world where respect was only gained if you were old enough, not because you had earned it.  The constant pressure kept me clawing to get just one step further...one step higher...regardless of what others thought of me.

The Lioness proudly protects her family, her Pride, at all costs.  I can't even begin to recall the times I felt as though I'd lost myself in order to provide for and protect my cubs.  Each poacher, predator and challenge only added fuel to the fire.  You know that feeling right?  Thinking that absolutely NOTHING can be easy and everything has to be the hard way.  Like a mama lion struggling in the dry desert of the Savannah to find food and water, it just pushed me harder.  But anyone who got in my way, well, might have been collateral damage.  Torn to shreds and left for dead without a second thought.

Do that long enough and you enter what I call survival mode.  I feel like I've been in survival mode a VERY LONG TIME.  Each crappy situation I endured, regardless if the outcome was positive or not, I added angst to my long list of notches against humanity.  It's easy to let what has scorned you in the past lead you to a life of continued turmoil.  How you deal with and respond to the shite that life hurls at you really defines the type of person you are.

I'd like to think that while my inner beast has grown to have immeasurable strength that can be used in a moments notice, I've also trained her to leave less carnage in her wake.  That doesn't mean you won't sneak a peak at her ferociousness if you cross the line and if you aren't careful, she'll remove a chunk of your hide before you realize what hit you.  But she has learned to pick her battles more strategically, which is always in the best interest of everyone involved.

So you may be wondering why I've shared this with you.  While I can't go into deep detail because I have to protect the identity of those involved, I will share a short story.  Sadly I'm sure it's a story many people can relate to.

A man and woman share marriage vows, make a life, raise children, go through struggle, successes, lose jobs, face sick children, build resentment, lay blame, grow distrust, start hating and before you now it, years of emotional scars are marbled across them both and the children brought unwillingly into the world are caught in between. (deep inhale)  Each parent believing they are the best person to raise the kids does what they feel is right.  Unfortunately, both are so done with each other that it's hard for either of them to be objective when it comes to the kids.

Words said in hate and spiteful whispers reach little ears...sometimes intentionally.  That is where I draw the line.  Anything beyond that line only challenges the powers-that-be even further to whiplash you with karma you wouldn't wish on your mortal enemy.  And you don't even realize you're doing it!  Whatever angst you hold for your soon to be ex, don't let it trickle down to your kids!  Children love unconditionally, even when they are being used, because they don't know they're being taken advantage of.  They see the world through the eyes of innocence.  Why on God's green earth would any parent who actually loves their children, do ANYTHING to cause them pain (physical, emotional or otherwise).  

 As much as my children might drive me absolutely bonkers sometimes, I know without them, my life has no meaning.  I would give up my own life for them and have and will continue to sacrifice whatever it takes for them to be safe and happyFor all that is precious in this world...I have lost a child....which is part of why it is so hard for me to understand how some people (male and female) could possibly do the things they do to their children, just to hurt their former significant other.  It's disgusting behavior from someone entrusted with the love and protection of a helpless innocent soul.  

Unfortunately, this happens so much anymore creating a disturbing cycle that's almost impossible to break out of.  That's not to say every break up ends this way, but more often than not, parents act like hurt 5 year olds and forget the part about being responsible for anyone elseIf you don't know by now, I always put my family first.  My family and I, while always dealing with one thing or another, are rock solid. I feel like this is where I was meant to be at this point in my life, but I wasn't always in this place.  I took my turn in the disturbing scenario above.  I learned the very hard way, the kind of parent NOT to be.  But for all the struggle, I've learned to place my priorities in the right order and have not wavered since.

Tonight I pray for a pair of extra special kids in my life, that are to my dismay, being used as pawns in a war waged by a narrow-minded, selfish and pathetic excuse of XY genes. If I could, I would hug you both and say how very much loved and missed you are. We can't wait for you to be home where you belong.  Till then, we send our guardian angels to watch over you and hope that with their aid you will find some peace until you are home.

~~CNF & CWF~~ We love and miss you!

~~~If you don't see a silver lining...make one~~~

February 16, 2013

Menu 2/18/2013

You know me.  I'm always on the lookout for new recipes, but I DO keep a handful as our favorites.  And since the man of the house is going to be home for 11 whole days, I thought I'd make it a week of his top dish choices (Even if it means he helps cook them).  Hehehe.  As a side note, we deviated from our menu last week because our schedule changed and we ate out one night.  In addition, I had a difficult time finding Sea Bass.  What that means is we haven't been able to try our Fish Fry yet.  However, I found Sea Bass last night, so we'll be gettin' our fry on this evening.  I'll be sure to let you know how it turns out!

In the meantime, here are just a few of the hubs' favorite dishes.  Hopefully some of these entree's will make it on your favorite's list too!

1.  Bacon wrapped shrimp over rice pilaf. (We just use a box variety of pilaf to move things along, but it is pretty easy to make from scratch).  Add a green veggie like asparagus or green beans or if you'd prefer a starchy side, try roasted red potatoes, which have a bit of kick to them and we love them!

2. Weeknight Bolognese - This tasty pasta should  be combined with a flavorful red leaf and romaine side salad topped with a light Italian dressing and a warm baked garlic breadstick....to help soak up the yummy sauce.  Pair this with your favorite red or white wine to add an intimate touch. 

3. Cajun Chicken Pasta - I don't have the actual recipe for this this yet, but I have a good excuse.  Our 18yr old daughter learned a recipe in her foods class and plans on making it for the family.  She swears it's AMAZING!  I'll be sure to share it.  In the meantime, click here for a Cajun Chicken Pasta recipe from The Pioneer Woman.

4. Taco Salad - Our version of taco salad varies slightly from what you might find at a restaurant because we don't use cool taco shell bowls.  By the time you've added all your favorite toppings, it's more like a mountain that no bowl could hold.
  • Ground Beef, browned (we use approximately 3.5lbs because there are 7 of us and we are serious carnivores).  1-2lbs would be fine for a smaller family.  Be sure to add your favorite seasonings to the meat while it's cooking.  Try a premixed Taco seasoning or add salt, pepper, mined onion, cumin, red cayanne pepper and a dash of chili pepper for some extra kick.
  • Iceberg lettuce, 1- 2 heads chopped into bite sized pieces.  Shredded won't work for this so avoid chopping it too small.

  • Favorite Shredded Cheese.  We like Cheddar Jack a lot, but this will pair nicely with a variety of flavors.

  • Chili Cheese Fritos, 1-2 bags depending on family size.  These go on last.
Then Customize YOUR Taco Salad with
 your favorite toppings!
  • Chopped Cilantro and onion (mixed or separate)
  • Tomatoes, diced
  • Salsa, (The man uses 2-3 kinds in one sitting)
  • Avocado
  • Refried Beans (we add cheese to ours for more flavor)
  • Sour Cream   
  • Jalepenos (fresh are best but precut will work too)
  • Banana Peppers
  •  Any other of your favorite Mexican toppings
Then dive in!
5. Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese with a fresh tomato and basil salad.  This dinner may not be everyone's favorite, but the man loves it. For your pickier eaters, change up the grilled cheese to include ham or turkey and leave off the jalapenos.  Substitute the salad with Mac-N-Cheese or offer some fresh fruits and veggies with coordinating dips.  

So there you have it.  The menu for next week.  I'm sure the man will be very happy to have some of his favorite home cooked meals considering works keeps him on the road so often. I know we will enjoy him being home.  Have a great week!

~~~If you don't see a silver lining...make one~~~

February 12, 2013

Chalk it up!

Hi there!  As usual, I'm always looking for easy, cheap ways to keep my life from tumbling into shameless familial chaos.  You know that I'm only slightly addicted (A LOT) to Pinterest.  Well, several times I've seen neat little tricks to turn something ordinary into something fantastic through a little bit of chalkboard paint.  

As this project was not a high priority, I've taken my time getting all the pieces.  If three items are to much to handle, TURN BACK NOW!  If not, proceed. :)

This little genius idea is perfect for anywhere in the house, but I've found it very beneficial in the kitchen.  I spend most of my time in this favored gathering space and while there I come across items we are running low on.  In the past, I have grabbed a notepad and pen to start a list.  The problem is that everyone does that...using the same notepad..  BOO!

This leads to the unfortunate forgetfulness of necessary items while grocery shopping.  The beauty of this project creates one immovable central location where items can be written down  and no one can run off with itThen when I make my grocery list I add any items from the board.

So, here is what I used.

1 - Can of Chalkboard Spray Paint for less than $5.00 at Home Depot 
1- Plastic Dollar Store cutting board...obviously a $1.00 (plus tax)
1-Roll of blue painters tape.  I had an extra roll laying around the house from past projects, but even if you don't have one they aren't expensive.

Here are the steps:

1. Making sure your cutting board is clean, wrap the edges of the board with the painters tape.  Be sure to use a hard surface when you press down on the edges of tape that will be closest to the paint.  This will eliminate the tape lifting and create an nice clean edge.

2. Tape down some papers you are going to recycle or an old newspaper to a flat surface outside, or if indoors, a well ventilated area.  (I used the benches built onto our deck).  Then follow the directions on the can of chalk board paint to spray the paint on your cutting board.  Be sure to cover all the areas you wanted painted and allow it to dry thoroughly.

3.  Once it's dry, remove the tape.  Be careful when lifting the tape edge closest to the paint just in case there were any leaks.  Voila!

 4. Place your chalkboard in a place everyone can reach and keep chalk on a string or ledge nearby for easy writing.  I used command strips and hung it on a pantry door.
I'm not sure why my pictures are grainy, but the cutting board had a bit of texture to do it so maybe that's the reason.  Regardless, it works!  I used a paper towel to erase but I'm going to find a chalk board eraser because it seems the paper towel is just rough enough to scrape off some of the paint after enough rubs.  The nice thing about using spray paint is that its easy to reapply as necessary.  

Hopefully this will help you get a little more organized at home.  Plus it's an easy project that the kids can help with.
~~~If you don't see a silver lining...make one~~~

February 10, 2013

Menu 2/11/13

Sorry I've been a slacker on my menu planning.  It doesn't make for easy weeknights at my house either, but I've been flying by the seat of my pants and just haven't had time to plan ahead.  Then when I do, its too late to post.  Still kind of late to get it out there for this week, but I have to get back in the habit somehow.  So, while it might be shorter, it's still effective. Enjoy!

1. Fish Fry with Ramp Aioli:  Now I've never made this, so I can't attest to the ease of preparation or the flavor. But the name caught my attention and the picture looked YUMMY!  It looks a tad more involved than my typical weeknight meals, so I'll save it for the one night this week I don't have somewhere to be.

2. Pork Pad Thai: This recipe will be the first we make in our new Wok.  I love Pad Thai with chicken from Noodles & Company, so we'll see if we can't recreate it at home! Pair this up with flatbread or your favorite Asian side item to round out the meal.

3. Lasagna Rolls:  This dish is like the love child of a cannelloni and deep dish lasagna.  Easy to make, easy to bake and beautiful on the plate.  Serve with a side salad and garlic breadI love this meal because you can prep it the night before.  Thanks Giada
4. Easy Chicken Bake: Just like it sounds, this is probably the easiest chicken you can make.  It's another dish you can make the night before and just pop in the oven when you get home.  I always use fresh green beans over canned and you can change up the seasoning to suit your fancy.  Pair it up with roll or croissant.

5.  Mexican Wrap ups: These yummy wraps have just the right amount of flavor and can be made to accommodate your picky eaters and jalapeno-needersWe prefer to use chicken instead of pork and we'll grill the chicken for a flame-cooked flavor.  You can serve this with mexican rice, refried beans or even change it up by using a flavored tortilla, such as sun dried tomato or even Jalapeno-Cilantro!

Again, I  apologize for my lack of consistency recently. I promise to do better.  Bon Appetit!

~~~If you don't see a silver lining...make one~~~

February 8, 2013

A Loss Deeper Than Any Ocean Can Still Lead To Light

From the beginning...I had a peculiar feeling.  Like my future was going to change more than in just the obvious ways.  I tried to be happy and I think eventually I was, but I never did shake it.  Fast forward 4 months to February 5th, 2007.  It was a Saturday like any other.  The house was too small, the kids had too much stuff and we wanted to sell...had to sell!  Had to make room.  I awkwardly crawled under beds, shuffled toys and vacuumed.  Yelled at the dog for getting into the trash, yelled at the kids for not picking up the trash and frustratedly waited for my sanity to get home from work.  He could make it all ok.

The typical evening...we'd sit on the couch till I passed out with his hand on my growing belly.  I remember watching tv and snuggling up close with a blanket over me.  I could be cold in 80 degree weather he'd always say.  It was then, before I drifted off to sleep in his arms that I felt it.  The flutterby movement I'd remember for the rest of my life....because it was the last I'd ever feel.

Despite the return of my uneasiness, I kept on keepin' on.  Went to church and prayed, went to work and pushed paper, went home and went to bed.  For three whole days my gut, rather my heart, told me something wasn't right.  I tried to push it aside but no matter what I did, I just knew the other foot was about to fall and there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop it.

Finally, fear winning over denial, I called.  They made time for me.  Were quick and precise and...burdened with the news they would have to give.  He was gone.  That sweet little thump was nowhere to be found.  His little wiggle, the one we'd seen through the ultrasonic eye, had fled on precious little wings.  As still as a statue, he slept within me, completely unaware of my brokenness.

But I couldn't break yet!  I still had to be mom to my other kids and the man was out of town for work.  It was 14 hours before I was home and being held by the only person who could understand; both of us a sobbing mess on the kitchen floor.  I didn't understand it then and there are still plenty of times now when I feel as if I was being punished.  However, I know in my heart that things, LIFE, happens for a reason.  We don't always know what it is, why its happening and most times we loathe the foulness thrust upon us unwittingly.

That foulness, spread it's choking stench over us for another 4 days.  During that time, we made preparations to bring home a son we'd never hear cry.  We packed bags that didn't including the plush velvety blue blanket or welcome home outfit.  We filled out hospital papers that induced us into the world of stillborn birth, while wondering when we'd wake up from the nightmare. We hunkered together when we couldn't stand alone.  He was my rock, whether he felt strong or not.

With him at my side, we welcomed into this unpredictable world, an angel no larger than my hand.  Who without making a single sound made me fall in love deeper than I ever thought possible.  With him...and with his father.   I knew from that moment, that no matter what the ugly side of life could throw at us, as it inevitably had and would do again, we could still love, support, cherish and lift up one another to see joy again.

On February, 8th 2007 @ 10:03pm Jacob Lawrence Graham was born, weighing 11.68 ounces and measuring 10.6 inches long.  He was so small, Ken doll clothes were big on him, but none the less, we dressed him.  The blankets big enough for 8lb babies wrapped around him five times, but we swaddled him anyway.  We laid him on our chests, willing him to wake up and hear our heartbeats, but knowing it was his spirit only that heard us now...we held him anyway.  We were given 3 precious days with him.

And out of the tragedy, we each saw our futures.  Neither existed without the other.  We knew then, the powers that be had seen fit to show us our strength and love for one another.  We could do anything...together.  That was Jacob's purpose you know.  To make sure his mommy and daddy were bound by something greater...something unbreakable.  And for his sacrifice I am eternally grateful.  For the first time in my life, I felt I was where I belonged and God had blessed me with someone to share it with.  

Since then, 6 years have swiftly passed.  Our lives are anything but dull.  Plenty of stress, hard knocks and pressure.  But I couldn't think of anywhere else I'd rather be.  But one day a year, I grant myself 24 hours where sorrow lingers though all my thoughts.  A day of missing him and wishing I could snuggle with him. To feel his little arms around my neck in an embrace that only a child's unconditional love can produce. 

This day...it reminds me to be grateful for having been blessed with 3 amazing children and the chance to love unconditionally my husband's children.  Together we are a crazy blur of blended family chaos, but for all that we struggle with, I know in my heart that God pulled us together through our sweet Angel Baby Jacob.  

For Jacob and the loves of my life....I do.

Photo by Rich Lockhart

~~~If you don't see a silver lining...make one~~~

February 6, 2013

I swear, I'm still here!

I know it's not nice to swear but I mean what I say when I swear...kind of like when I've had too much to drink.  The truth always comes out.

The fact is, while I've had PLENTY to say, I've not had the energy to do anything about it.  I guess that's to be expected from a mother of five kids who works full time, has three extra people living in her house and participates actively on 2 school committees.  And that's really just the tip of the iceberg! 

My sister once had me review her resume, since I used to do recruiting, and she had her time as a stay at home mom listed as a Domestic Engineer.  I thought that was so clever!  It's also the truth.  An engineer, figures out how to make things work in the most productive and cost-efficient way and must continually adjust or make improvements to adapt.

Considering life is a bunch of changes, obstacles, wins, losses and collabortions, the parallel to an engineer make sense.  However, I'm sure any engineer in any field, has times where the well runs dry.  Improvements need to be made but with the current process, there isn't time to brainstorm ideas and put new steps into action.  That's kind of how I've felt recently.

From the Huffington Post
On more than one occasion over the last week I've found myself squeezing my eyes shut, taking some seriously deep breaths and repeating whatever the day's mantra is, "I love my job", "I love my kids", "Living the dream".  Whatever it is, I know it will pass, but in the moment it's all I can do to keep from hurtling daggers out of my eyes cartoon style. 

Hell, I've been trying to write these few paragraphs so you know I'm still alive and in the hour since I've sat down, I've literally been interrupted at least every 5 minutes.  I almost wonder if the whole evening  hasn't been some sign that I should just pack it in for the night. 

Regardless, here I still sit, with my hot decaffeinated Sleepy Time Tea (which reminds me of my mom), Pandora playing soundtracks to my favorite musicals and various instrumentals and I can feel the layers of stress starting to melt away.  I can close my eyes and let my fingers do the salsa on the keyboard.  The moment slowly easing me into a relaxed state where creativity and inspiration can flourish.                                 

A few more deep breaths and I can feel the physical tension starting to ease in my shoulders and neck, where I store my stress ball.  Being as it's the size of a small child, it's nice to put it down for even just a few minutes.  What the relaxation doesn't relieve I'll help along with an amazing product, much like Icy Hot, called Pain-A-Trate.  It's made by a company called Melaleuca and I swear by it!  (Again, this means I mean it!)

My husband uses it after playing softball to ease any achey joints or muscles and it always helps my neck and shoulders.  I rub on a generous layer before bed and wake up with significantly less pain and soreness.  Melaleuca offers a ton of amazing products, made with healthier ingredients, that people like you and I use every day.  If you are interested in learning about the other items they carry that could be helpful to you, let me know and I'll be happy to pass on my favorite products.

So as I've started on my second large cup of hot tea at.....10:20pm (I'll be up half the night peeing!) I think I feel in touch with the me that is...well, me.  I haven't taken much time for myself over the last 7 days.  I haven't even been reading on my lunch breaks or before bed, which for me, is a serious escape from reality.  Which reminds me, just today I've started a new book on my Nook.  While geared for a young adult crowd, I'm enjoying it and I need to share it here on the blog!

I also need to get back on track with my weekly meal planning.  When Sunday's are swamped it's hard to get the menu thought through and ingredients purchased.  So I'll apologize to anyone who was looking to my blog for recipe ideas.  I'll do better, I promise.  I'll do it not just for you, but for me as well.  I've discovered, much like the tea my mom drinks and my favorite songs, writing (blogging) helps me maintain my sanity.  So it's best for everyone if I keep it up.

So really, this post is just to let those who have chosen to read my blog know...I'm still alive.  I've just been overwhelmed with a lot of things at once.  That being said, I'm going to spell check, add a picture, publish, put on pj's and put myself to bed.  I'll probably read far later into the night than I should, but my new read is just getting juicy!  Stay tuned for more on menus and some crafty projects. 

Please, for the sake of all that is good, take care of yourself so you can be there for those you love the most.  Start with a deep breath. 

~~~If you don't see a silver lining...make one~~~